Clear purpose and a strong commitment to keeping NZ safer online, is Netsafe’s strength. Together we looked at leadership capability and internal culture in service of sustaining their growth and positive social impact.

The Need

Netsafe’s CEO identified that in order to keep effectively serving their purpose, they needed to invest internally in their leadership capability and company culture.

So we worked with the senior leadership team to grow awareness and skills in not only engaging with ‘why we do what we do’, but also being able to communicate ‘what we’re going to focus on’ (clear and courageous) and on ‘how we might get the best from each other’ (curious and humble).

We saw an opportunity for the senior leadership team to come together on a common goal and practice working collaboratively, addressing the need to strengthen relationships within the team – if they were serious about collectively shifting the culture beyond the team.

We believe high performing organisations occur when leaders are having regular conversations across all three circles.

The Approach

Business Value

Provide a learning experience with 1-1 coaching designed to improve the quality of conversations both within the team and with their people; drawing on a combination of specific leadership behaviours, management skills and coaching mindsets to grow high-trust relationships. 

Bring focus and attention to the significance of senior team effectiveness, trust and cohesion in service of organisational culture, employee experience and performance and engagement.

Social Value & The Practical Component

Create an opportunity for the team to connect within in a youth based environment – that being one of the largest demographics supported by Netsafe. All workshops were held at Shore Junction, an innovation hub for young people, offering a safe place between school and home. 

Create a practical experience for the leaders to apply and experiment with what we have covered in the programme. The leaders were tasked with designing and delivering a collaborative workshop with and for Youth Workers, to better understand what’s really important to them in their work of supporting young people (whom are increasingly at risk from online harm). 

This process involved applying leadership skills and behaviours in a meaningful context. Collaborating with community and beneficiaries in a unique way and collectively thinking differently about keeping young people safer online. 

Being based at Shore Junction also enabled a conversation with Youth Workers from Yes Disability, whom specifically support disabled youth. 

The leaders had a real conversation about the unique challenges and opportunities for Youth at higher risk of online harm.

This session reminded leaders of their inspiring purpose, sparked some innovation about what’s possible and most importantly reinforced the importance of the personal and team development work they were undertaking.

The Outcomes

  • The practical experience enabled the leaders to exercise new knowledge of each other’s individual working styles and preferences, collaborating effectively on a common goal while building trust and strengthening team relationships.
  • The team was encouraged to step out of their own areas of expertise and into the experience of their audience – exercising curiosity and humility, testing a humble enquiry approach.
  • The importance of ‘communication as an experience’ was explored: i.e. talking with others rather than to others to optimise buy-in and engagement.
  • We encouraged the team to exercise a range of communication styles with each other from direct and frank through to active-listening and curiosity in a different opinion.
  • Most importantly the team engaged in a conversation with a group from their community whom they themselves don’t regularly work with. The energy and the innovation was high – it was agreed this was the beginning and there’s lots to be explored in creating a resource that Youth Workers could benefit from.

Netsafe leaders worked together, applying their personal leadership and team development learning to deliver a collaborative workshop with and for Youth Workers. Internally the experience strengthened relationships, team effectiveness and embedded some relevant leadership principles.

Externally the practical element of the programme started an important conversation and brought together two groups, whom operate in different parts of the community, yet share a common passion in keeping young people safe.

Learn more about the wonderful safe and innovative space that is Shore Junction.

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Douglas Pharmaceuticals  are deeply committed to supporting the communities within which they operate. It’s therefore